Hi. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Keara. It sounds like it's spelled, with an ear in the middle. 

This is my first time really blogging, well, as an adult. I remember writing on some social network when I was a young teenager. That doesn't count. 

For a little while now, I've thought about blogging, especially since I've made a big move from home not too long ago. Maybe as just a way that I can let family and friends know what I'm up to, or something of the sort. 

But now that I'm starting, I'm not exactly sure that I'll have any specific type of focus. 
I just think it'll be fun. 

A friend I met a few months ago loaned me a great book by Gretchen Rubin, The Happiness Project. If you haven't read it I recommend it. Gretchen mentions about how people tend to avoid certain things due to being afraid of failure &/or rejection. She was afraid to begin a blog as well as other things, but she tried it out, which made me think about doing it myself. Grant it, I'm not a professional writer, but it's the thought that counts. 

I mentioned the idea of blogging to Cathy, owner of the book, after she shared her blog with me. By the way, it's great, so you should check it out at http://cathytrails.blogspot.com. :) She encouraged me to get started, and after struggling with myself for a little, here I am. 

Actually posting this is difficult for me. Why? I'm reluctant to share my writing or thoughts publicly, to people I don't know and people that I do know - maybe because of that
fear of being ridiculed or judged. But the fact is that I do enjoy thinking and writing for myself, so why not try to share? I'm going to take the chance in doing something I feel I may enjoy, and maybe- just maybe- others will too. 

So here it goes!

Sometimes what you fear the most to do is the very thing that will set you free~ Robert Tew
12/10/2012 08:38:21 am

Keara! What a fantastic introductory post :) I'm so happy you enjoyed the Happiness Project because it's one of my favorites now. Take a chance and feel GREAT about your writing! Don't be afraid - - I loved that quote that you put in there. Another great quote about fear that I've always relied on to get my butt moving was "Be comfortable with being uncomfortable" by Jillian Michaels ;)

12/10/2012 08:41:01 am

Love your honesty!


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